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The Little Bird Artisan Markets offer a diverse, quality, shopping experience that celebrates independent producers and makers. But it’s more than that, it’s about creating a sense of community by bringing people together to create a vibrant and friendly town...

Let’s Talk Rubbish

Let’s Talk Rubbish

North Yorkshire Council collects around 310,000 tonnes of household waste each year from over 300,000 properties. About 45 per cent of this is reused, recycled or composted. As part of Let’s Talk Local and Let’s Talk Money, you told us that we should focus on...

Community Engagement Event

Community Engagement Event

North Yorkshire Council are inviting people to attend the community engagement event in Leyburn Market Place on Friday 26th April, 7am-4pm. If you have been affected by flooding come along to speak to the Flood Risk Officers and JBA Consultant about Property Flood...

Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting

Come along to the Annual Parish Meeting to meet your Councillors, find out what local organisations have been doing and their plans for the future.  The meeting is also an opportunity for electors to have a say on anything they consider valuable to the people of...

Job Vacancy- Assistant Clerk

Job Vacancy- Assistant Clerk

  Job Title: Assistant Clerk Responsible to: The Town Clerk, Leyburn Town Council Date Produced: April 2024 Contracted Hours: Part Time – 18.5 hours per week (The role will include working some evenings and occasional weekends). Salary: Salary Scale SCP 10 -12...

April Shop Window Competition!

April Shop Window Competition!

April Shop Window Competition! From 1st to 30th April 2024 Yorkshire Air Ambulance  would love for you to help turn Yorkshire Yellow. Leyburn have had great success with the Christmas window competition and it would be fabulous for local businesses to participate in...

Leyburn Spring Clean

Leyburn Spring Clean

Make a Difference Time to Spring Clean Leyburn Sunday 7th April 9-11am Meet at the Market Store (near the fire station in the main car park) Bring your own gloves. Other equipment provided.

Councillor Vacancy

Councillor Vacancy

Leyburn Town Council seeks a new Councillor Would you like to help your local community by becoming a Town Councillor? Do you have a few hours you could spare to attend meetings and help with the running of the Council? If so, we would like to hear from you. This is a...

Kelberdale Terrace Toilets closure

Kelberdale Terrace Toilets closure

We regret to inform you that we have had to close the Female Toilets at Kelberdale Terrace. This is due to significant damage caused by the recent storms and will remain closed for the foreseeable future. The Male and disabled toilets remain open. Ladies can use the...

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