Report an Issue

Below are some useful links to pages where you can report issues to the Town, District and County Council. Using this page to report problems directly will ensure that you will be kept updated on a resolution. If your issue can not be reported below please use the contact us form.
Report Highways Issues
If you spot any road issues including pot holes, road marking / road sign issues then these should be reported to the North Yorkshire County Council Highways Team. You can report all of these issues using the NYCC Report it online form.
Report damaged pavement or kerb
If you have seen any damage to footways, pavements and kerbs you can report this damage to North Yorkshire County Council Highways Team by using the NYCC Report it form.
Report a flooding or drainage issue
If you have noticed a blocked drain or gully has flooded the public highway please report it as soon as possible to North Yorkshire County Council.
Find out here how to report different types of road flooding.
Report a street lighting problem
If you have noticed a faulty or damaged street light please report it to Richmondshire District Council or North Yorkshire County Council using the online street lighting fault report below. Please note you will need the unique identification number stencilled on it.
Report dog fouling
If you would like to report any dog fouling issues or problems within the Leyburn area then please report it to the Dog warden & Environmental Team at Richmondshire District Council using their online dog fouling reporting form.
Report an overflowing litter or dog bin
If you have noticed that a bin in Leyburn is in need of emptying please report it to the Street Scene Team at Richmondshire District Council.
Report that dog waste bag stations need filling
If you have noticed that the free dog waste bag stations need filling please let the Town Council know.
Report a missed bin
Time to time bin collections get missed if you have had an issue with your Bin or Recycling Collection then please report it to the Recycling Team at Richmondshire District Council.
Report issues with Public Toilets
In Leyburn there are public toilets located on Railway Street and Kelberdale Terrace, if you notice an issue with the toilets please report this using the forms below: –
Thornborough Hall
Contact Details
Get in touch
By email, contact form or telephone