Bench ABL Labourers Wanted

At last we can finally begin to restore the wooden benches.  It is a mammoth task as there are at least 8 to do in the vicinity of the centre of Leyburn.  So far we have spent 10 hours (3 people) and there is still more to do on the first one.  Can you offer any hours to come and work in the new Community Shed and help to scrape, sand or paint.  It is obviously going to take longer than we anticipated due to the weather and time of year.

There is only room for three to work on preparing one bench at any one time.  If you wanted to work on your own that would be fine as long as you inform us to check the space is free.

We can use the space in the Shed as much as we want (not Monday or Friday mornings). This may change when the Shed opens officially in January.

We have found that scraping the paint and varnish off in the shed is the best strategy.

Sanding down will take place at the back of the Arts Centre under the canopy where dust will not be a problem. Weather would have to be reasonable.

No decision has been taken as to whether we paint the benches or stain them.  Either process will be the easiest and quickest thing to do.

We intend to use space in the Market Store to begin to dry out a bench before bringing it to the shed to prepare the surface.  Thus we will be working on three benches at one time if we have the workers!!

The benches although hardwood clearly need to dry out thoroughly and the Market Store will not be warm enough so if you can think of anywhere we could leave a bench to dry off further let us know.

Rose and I will be in the shed on Thursday 12th December and Thursday 19th December from 2.00pm.  If you wanted to come along and see what we are doing or discuss a date when you could help it would be good.

More hands make light work!

Rose and Melanie

If you are interested in assisting the ABL group please contact Rose or Melanie- 01969 622071     01969 623150


Happy Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year.  We have achieved a lot. Thank You to all who have joined the group.

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