Leyburn Town Council seeks a new Councillor
Would you like to help your local community by becoming a Town Councillor? Do you have a few hours you could spare to attend meetings and help with the running of the Council? If so, we would like to hear from you.
This is a voluntary role so you will not be paid, but there is a lot of satisfaction to be gained from helping run local services for local people.
Leyburn Town Council is based at Thornborough Hall, Leyburn we maintain the open spaces, play areas, Shawl Fields, Local Market, Burial Ground, and the community Library.
What do councillors do?
Local councillors are the champions of their community who invest time in local projects and issues to the benefit of residents and the local community. Councillors attend to local needs of residents, local groups and businesses, make decisions on local services, collaborate with District & County Councils to identify local needs, and progress vital projects to invest in the future of the community.
How could I contribute?
As a Councillor representing your community, you will help to keep it a great place to live and work.
Councillors individually, can and should be very different in their skills base, experience and work status, all of which contribute to a good and balanced representation of the town. The ability to take the initiative, be creative and have time to give to the role are all very important aspects of being a good Councillor.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: To be a Councillor you must be:
- A British, Commonwealth or EU citizen.
- Aged 18 years or over.
- In one of the following categories:
- a) appear on the Electoral Register for the parish,
- b) have lived in (or within 3 miles of) the parish for at least a year.
- c) have had your main place of work within the parish for at least a year.
Want to find out more?
More details about what we do can be found on our website www.leyburntowncouncil.gov.uk
For an informal chat about the role contact Mandy Spenceley, Chairman cllr.m.spenceley@leyburntowncouncil.gov.uk .
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